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Jason-3 sea-surface height mission

"Europe has committed to build the next Jason altimeter spacecraft to monitor the behaviour of the world's oceans."

Category: Climate Change, Space


Copenhagen - the Munich of our times?

"The Copenhagen Climate Accord was a failure of historic proportions that is hardly worth the paper it is printed on, says Malini Mehra. In this week's Green Room, she says climate negotiations need to adopt a new approach that...

Category: Climate Change


Distorted view through the climate gates

"Much has been written... ...about supposed inconsistencies, errors, misjudgements and poor practice among climate scientists... ...Like all the other noisy -gates, this latest one throws up two questions: was scientific best...

Category: Climate Change


Nasa accepts Spirit Mars rover 'stuck for good'

"The US space agency (Nasa) has admitted defeat in its battle to free the Spirit rover from its Martian sand trap."

Category: Space


Audio slideshow: The first X-rays

"German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen's image of a ghostly skeletal hand, wearing an enormous wedding ring, shocked and fascinated the public when it was published in newspapers in January 1896."

Displaying results 781 to 785 out of 2977